5: Smallest multiple#
2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers from 1 to 10 without any remainder.
What is the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20?
Your Solution#
Lunch this notebook and try to create your own solution!
Tip: look for the launch button (🚀) in the top right corner!
def problem5(N, M): # numbers from N to M
# Try your solution here
return solution
# Testing:
unittest.main(argv=[''], verbosity=2,exit=False)
# Printing Project Euler Solution
# print(problem5(1,20))
My solution#
Spoiler Alert!!
See my solution bellow
2520 is the smallest number that can be divided by each of the numbers from 1 to 10 without any remainder.
What is the smallest positive number that is evenly divisible by all of the numbers from 1 to 20?
Brute Force#
This took almost 10 minutes in my pc for N=1 and M=20. It is not a good solution.
Can we do better?
def problem5(N,M):
divisors = np.arange(N,M+1)
i = M
while not all(i%divisors == 0):
i += 1
Using prime factorization#
According Wikepedia, we can calulating the LCM using a prime factorization approach.
Consider the example with numbers 48 and 180. The prime factorization is:
\(48 = 2*2*2*2*3 = 2^4*3^1\)
\(180 = 2*2*3*3*5 = 2^2*3^2*5^1\)
The LCM is:
So we can follow some steps:
find prime factors
find the maximum number of every prime factor
apply the prime^max rule to calculate LCM
def get_factors(N):
i = 2 # first prime
while (N > 1.0): # test if the number was factored to 1
if N % i == 0: # check remainder
N /= i # update the value
i += 1 # try a new divisor
return factors
def problem5(N,M):
factors = [get_factors(i) for i in range(N, M)] # get list of factors for every input
primes = set(sum(factors, [])) # get unique primes
lcm = 1
for p in primes:
n = max(f.count(p) for f in factors) # get the maximum number of repetitions for every prime
lcm *= p**n
return lcm
# Testing
unittest.main(argv=[''], verbosity=2,exit=False)
Add main question:
# Printing Project Euler Solution