3: Largest prime factor#
The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29.
What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143?
Your Solution#
Lunch this notebook and try to create your own solution!
Tip: look for the launch button (🚀) in the top right corner!
def problem3(N): # N = number to be factorised
# Try your solution here
return solution
# Testing:
unittest.main(argv=[''], verbosity=2,exit=False)
# Printing Project Euler Solution
# print(problem3(600851475143))
My solution#
Spoiler Alert!!
See my solution bellow
Every number can be factorised in a primes number combination.
So in my solution I will:
start by trying to divide the input number by the smallest prime possible
only consider divisions without remainder: if the result of division has a remainder, then the number is either not a factor or not a prime.
whenever possible, the number will be divided and its updated value will be used in the next iteration
the process will be repeated until the number has been factored to 1
the last divisor will be the largest prime factor
Using this approach, the code will run fast even for huge numbers.
def problem3(N):
i = 2 # first prime
while (N > 1.0): # test if the number was factored to 1
if N % i == 0: # check remainder
N /= i # update the value
i += 1 # try a new divisor
return i
# Testing
unittest.main(argv=[''], verbosity=2,exit=False)
Add main question:
# Printing Project Euler Solution